Practice makes perfect
Aktualisiert: 25. Okt. 2022
Safety first!
For both experienced riders and beginners motorcycle safety trainings are always a great choice. To prepare ourselves properly, we took part in a combined weekend training with @driving_area Wesendorf in the north of Germany. One day of lean angle training and one day of dirt bike training with a BMW F850GS or R1250GS.
It was awesome! For whomever is interested in training sessions, we can highly recommend them. All the coaches, team members, photographer, catering, motorcycles, gear, the Enduro park, the trainings themselves, everything was just perfect!

At the beginning I was a bit intimidated because I had had a bad experience at a previous event.
In Barcelona we participated in an enduro training session with 250 and 125 ccm and at least for me, it was horrifying. I felt overwhelmed most of the time and was afraid to say it. It was just too much. Instead, the coach scolded me when I couldn't keep up with the rest of the group, I was the only woman. After that I was almost ready to give in to my inner saboteur: I can´t do that, let's do bagpacking. I am scared most of the time and it's no fun at all.
The other part of me was too stubborn to give up, and I postponed the decision until later. Lucky me, Helge forced a bit my happiness and booked the weekend training for us with @driving_area Wesendorf as my birthday present. I was pretty scared about the dirt bike part, those were even heavier bikes than the ones in Spain.

My fear was unfounded and the days were amazing for both of us. I never thought that riding in circles all day could be so much fun and that I am able to achieve a lean angle of 45 degrees. And although my inner saboteur and fear is still present when riding off-road or in more difficult sections, I now feel much more confident and relaxed and can embrace the challenge instead of freezing. Even on a BMW F850GS or R1250GS.

For Helge it was already his second lean angle training, but during the Enduro part he was also entering new territory by going off-road with the big bikes.
Needless to say, he also had a blast that day.